December 05, 2023
Chai Cookies

Hey! Thanks for checking out our blog! We are excited to bring this recipe back around for the holiday season this year. Whether you're bringing them to the next family gathering or making them to snack on at home, we hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Here's Sarah's recipe for Chico Chai cookies: (makes about 2 dozen cookies, depending on size)
1 cup butter
¾ cup sugar
2 ½ cups flour
2 tsp loose leaf Original Chico Chai
Cream butter and sugar. Grind chai in a coffee grinder or blender and stir into mixture. Then sift in flour and stir. Chill dough in fridge for a few hours. (Honestly, if you don’t have time to chill it, it usually works fine anyway) Roll dough between sheets of wax paper, to about ¼ inch thickness, then cut out into shapes. Bake on cookie sheets at 350 for 8-12 minutes.
Have fun and enjoy your chai cookies!